How to Take Acyclovir? Can You Crush Acyclovir Buccal Tablets?

Antiviral Medication | Can Acyclovir be Crushed | How to Use Acyclovir Buccal Tablets Properly |

Acyclovir is an antiviral drug that is commonly used to treat infections caused by herpes viruses. It comes in various dosage forms such as a tablet, capsule, oral suspension, and Acyclovir buccal tablet. Acyclovir injection is also available and should be only administered by healthcare providers.

Many people are not aware of the proper use of Acyclovir, particularly when it comes to using buccal tablets. This blog is all about how you can use Acyclovir properly to get maximum benefits from this medication.

Acyclovir Uses

Acyclovir is used to treat genital herpes infection (initial or frequent outbreaks) that involves sores around the rectum and genitals. Sometimes, it is also used to prevent genital herpes outbreaks who are already exposed to the virus. Acyclovir may not prevent you from passing genital herpes to others.

Acyclovir does not cure herpes infections. It is prescribed to reduce pain and speed up the healing of blisters and sores in patients experiencing chickenpox (varicella zoster) and shingles (herpes zoster). It works by discontinuing the spread of herpes virus in the body.

Acyclovir doses depend on weight, particularly for teenagers and children and any modifications can affect Acyclovir Dose.

Uses of Acyclovir Buccal Tablets

Acyclovir buccal tablets are available under the brand name Sitavig and they belong to the drug class purine nucleosides. It is prescribed to treat cold sore symptoms.

Before Using Acyclovir Buccal Tablets

Tell your healthcare provider if you are allergic to Acyclovir, any ingredients of this drug, other medicines, foods, or substances. Tell them about the symptoms of the allergic reaction you had in the past. Tell your doctor if you have a milk allergy. This drug may interact with other medicines or health issues so your doctor should be aware of all your medical conditions and medications to prevent drug interactions.

Tell your doctor if have kidney disease or a weak immune system due to the use of certain medicines. Your doctor should be aware if you are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding your child. Herpes can transmit to your baby during childbirth if you have a genital lesion at that time. It is very important to treat and prevent herpes lesions during pregnancy.

Make sure your healthcare provider knows about all the medicines (prescription or over-the-counter drugs), vitamins, herbal products, dietary supplements you are taking, and other health problems you have or had. Your healthcare professional needs to make sure that you can safely use buccal tablets along with the other medicines you are taking and your existing health issues.


Talk to your healthcare provider before getting any vaccinations. Do not take or stop any other medications without speaking to your healthcare professional. Use this medicine only for the indication prescribed. Take this medicine till the prescribed amount of period. Do not share your medication with anyone else who has not been prescribed this medication.

Use these tablets exactly as prescribed by your healthcare professional. Read all the information on your prescription label and follow the instructions carefully. If you experience dry mouth while using buccal tablets drink more liquids or fluids to stay hydrated.

Tell your healthcare provider if your symptoms do not improve or get worse. Do not use a buccal tablet more than once during 24 hours. Store this medicine at room temperature and away from moisture and light. Do not store this medicine in the bathroom.

Avoid sexual intercourse if you have genital herpes even if you are taking this medicine to avoid spreading the infection to your partner. Avoid oral sex if you have cold sores and you are taking Acuyclovir buccal tablets because this drug may not prevent transmitting the infection.

Things You Should Know About While Taking Acyclovir Buccal Tablets

Acyclovir Buccal Tablets | Acyclovir Drug Information | Cold Sore Treatment | Herpes Virus Infection |

Inform your healthcare providers including your pharmacist, dentist, nurse, and doctor that you are taking Acyclovir buccal tablets. This drug is not a complete cure for cold sores because it only treats your symptoms and speeds up the healing process.

Do not give the buccal tablets to younger kids as they may have a chance of choking. Tell your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, planning to get pregnant, or breastfeeding. Discuss the benefits and potential risks to you and your baby with your doctor.

How to Use Acyclovir Buccal Tablet for Cold Sore

Keep the tablet in the blister pack until you are ready to use it. Always use clean and dry hands to remove the tablet. Peel the back foil and then carefully take out the tablet without pushing the tablet through the foil.

Do not swallow it whole, suck or chew the tablet. Take this medicine soon after you notice the first symptoms of a cold sore including burning, tingling, or itching. It works best when you use it before the cold sore appears.

Insert the buccal tablet gently into the gum pocket in front of the upper teeth. Put the round side of the tablet to the upper gum on the same side where the cold sore seems to appear. Leave the tablet as it is and then carefully press your fingers on the outer side of your upper lip for 30 seconds to allow the tablet to stick to your gum properly. Try not to touch or press the tablet once it gets well placed.

The Acyclovir tablet will gradually dissolve in some hours. You can normally eat and drink while the tablet is inside your mouth. Do not brush your teeth, wear an upper denture, or chewing gum until the tablet completely dissolves.

Can You Apply The Same Tablet Again If It Does Not Stick Well In The Upper Gum?

In case the tablet comes out of its place within 6 hours, apply the same tablet again immediately. If it does not stick properly or does not stay in the right place, place the new tablet. If you accidentally swallow the buccal tablet within 6 hours, drink a glass of water and place a new tablet. If the tablet falls off or you swallow it after 6 hours, you are not required to reapply it or use a new tablet.

Can Acyclovir Be Crused?

No. If you have been prescribed Acyclovir buccal tablets, it is not recommended to crush, suck, chew, or swallow these tablets. Buccal tablets are not meant for swallowing or crushing. Make sure you religiously follow the instructions given by your doctor.

Buccal tablets are recommended to ease the symptoms of cold sores so these should be placed on the same side of the mouth where you have the sore. It is suggested to drink more liquids when you are using buccal tablets as these may cause dry mouth.

What Do You Need To Avoid While Using Acyclovir Buccal Tablets?

Do not brush your teeth and avoid wearing upper dentures while you have the tablet inside your mouth. Avoid touching or pressing the tablet once it is placed properly.

Herpes infections including cold sores are contagious and can transmit to other people even while you are under treatment. Make sure the infected area should not come in direct contact with other people. Avoid touching the infected areas and then touching other parts of your body such as eyes. Wash your hands regularly to prevent transmitting the infection to other people.

What If You Missed A Dose?

How To Use Acyclovir Buccal Tablets | Over The Counter Medicines | Acyclovir Doses | Antiviral Drugs |

If you missed taking a dose, put the tablet as soon you get to know about it. If you realize the missed dose when it is time for your next dose, go with your regular dosing schedule. Do not use two tablets at the same time.

Possible Side Effects of Acyclovir Buccal Tablets

Every drug comes with a possibility of side effects or adverse effects. Many patients who used Acyclovir buccal tablets have reported mild side effects of this drug.

Talk to your doctor if have headaches, pain where the tablet is placed, irritation of gum tissue and mouth, or any other side effects. Although the severe side effects of this drug are rare, some patients may have deadly side effects. Some patients may have allergic reactions to these tablets.

Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include skin rash, difficulty breathing, severe dizziness, hives, peeling skin may or may not accompanied by fever, red and swollen blister, tightness in chest or throat, unusual hoarseness or skin rash, swelling, or itching. If you experience any of these symptoms seek emergency medical attention.

If you have any signs of kidney issues such as little or no urination, painful or difficult urination get emergency medical help.

How to Store and Discard Acyclovir Buccal Tablets Properly.

Store these tablets at room temperature in a dry place and protect them from heat. Do not freeze them. Keep the medicine in a safe place out of the reach of your pets and children.

Discard expired and unused drugs. Do not flush the buccal tablets in the toilet or pour in the drain unless you are suggested to do so. The best way to discard your medicines is to check with your doctor or pharmacist.